April and May were tough months for me... I lost one of my best friends and was constantly torn between being there for her while she was ill (500 miles away), working on illustration deadlines, and getting prepared for a family trip to Michigan that had been planned months ago. Creativity is an over-the-top challenge when the mind is filled with anxiety! I was in a constant whirlwind of plane flights, emotions, decisions, and reflections - until today.
Today I made up my mind to be at peace, let the answering machine pick up, and get lost in my favorite corner, paintbrush in hand, surrounded by some Jack Johnson, Etta Jones, and Chris Botti. My daughter, Katy, reminded me that Laney's first birthday is July 9th. "You'll have that painting done for the baby's birthday... right, Mom??"
WOW... how time FLIES!! ... but I'm excited because now I have a goal for the finish.
I worked on the rainbow. I'm very much into bright colors these days, and had to choose whether to go with that for the rainbow or to go with more subdued tones. As you can see, subdued was overruled by loud. I decided the rainbow needed to draw the rest of the picture in with its similar colors.
Tomorrow... and the next day.... and the next, more painting time. Before long it'll be up on Laney's wall, and I'll be missing my paintbrush peace time!