Sunday, August 7, 2011

Is a Picture Really Worth 1,000 Words?

I just got turned on to ... what fun!! The motive is for illustrators to create a picture from a word that's given by a member of that group every Friday. This week's word is "Imperfect".

The first thing that came to my mind is my weekly routine of cutting a bouquet of flowers from my garden to bring a little warmth to my kitchen counter. So pretty... so perfectly arranged in its vase, within viewing range of where I make my morning cup of coffee. I'm selective of the flowers that I pick.... brown spots are not allowed. If there's a hint of wilting it won't make the cut. They must be perfect.

Then, invariably, one morning I glance over to find a flower in the bunch that's given in to old age. Limp. Brown. Crinkled leaves. Defeated. . . imperfect. The cycle of life goes on.


Mike said...

I opened my computer this morning to check email and received this precious message. As I looked at the picture and the caption I realized that it might have been labeled "Perfect" as it is a true reflection of our lives. I didn't think of the spent bloom as old, brown, limp with crinkled leaves... imperfect. I thought of it more as a metaphor of life, a stage like all the rest. It is the Autumn of our lives when we are wise and show the wear of the years. We bloom and show our outer beauty first but in time it turns to inner beauty, aged by the love and experience of our lives. That is why I love to see the Fall colors in all their splendor... spent through the year and now going out in grand fashion before the trees start a whole new cycle.


That was BEAUTIFUL, Mike! Thank you for your very wise interpretation!

josh pincus is crying said...

very cool illustration. terrific colors.


Thank you so much for your wonderful comments, Josh and LucyLocketsPocket :o).

Indigene said...

It's like getting your own personal bouquet of flowers! Thank you! :)