Wednesday, December 4, 2013


This is Day 2 of the big sketch-off, HOHODOODA, originated by one very talented & WITTY illustrator, Linda Silvestri. You can tell how serious this is by the name. 

Basically, this goes on for the entire month of December, and so far, 16 of us have signed up. EVERY day a sketch is due .... or is it DOO?? The great thing about it is that there's no BOSS here. The only one you have to report to is yourself! How perfect is that?!! And the biggest incentive isn't a a gift card to Tiffany's at the end of the month.... it's GUILT if you miss a day!  — Even in this crazed, "Times running out to buy those gifts .... and to make those cookies.... and to put up the tree .... and to decorate the house... and to clean up the house so you can decorate the house... and to send out the Christmas cards (yeah.... not this year)." So, this will either put me in the holiday spirit, or turn me into a Crabby Patti with deadline after deadline after deadline of sketches due DAY ..... AFTER DAY.... AFTER DAY. 

I'm going a little drama-girl here. It's gonna be fun .... here's my 2nd one. 
           Carol loves dressing up for the annual Christmas party!


Bobbie Dacus said...

Love your sketch!

sketched out said...

Hee hee! She is so great! Love it! So glad you are joining the fun, Susan!


Thanks so much Bobbie!

Anonymous said...

The dreaded Christmas sweater!