Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Excited, but nervous! I've decided to start working in watercolor! I've done a tiny bit before, but this time, since I'm selling my wall art on Etsy, I'm taking it way seriously. I've done TONS of research (Love love love Susan Harrison-Tustain's work and website!!) and bought suggested brushes, paper, and good watercolor paint. After doing the acrylic painting Say Say Oh Playmate, (first time using that medium) for my granddaughter's nursery, I'm thinking I enjoy the painting process more than I do using my usual technique of markers and Prismacolor'd pencils. Here's the pencil work scan of the project I'm about to begin titled Crown Princess of Coloring. My subject and inspiration is that same granddaughter, now almost 4 years old. She LOVES to do art, so recently I lifted her onto a tall stool at my drawing table and took a couple of candid shots of her at work. Love her focus, fell in love with the whole subject matter, and can't wait to get started painting it! ..... jitter jitter

Btw, I'm having some issues with wondering if I should simplify my drawings to be less detailed and a bit more cartoony. That seems to be the look of today. Any opinions on that are welcome!

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