Tuesday, July 24, 2012


He's a bit embarrassed about his spiky hair.

After a pretty long absence from Blogger I thought I'd check in. I've been working long hours, and by the time I would normally be doing a blog my forehead's in the sleep-deprived motion of hitting my work table. I'm actually preparing for the big L.A. SCBWI conference at the beginning of August, and there's lots on my plate to do! I'd rather be eating something off my plate, but that's another story. I must be over tired.... that was really corny, but I'm keeping it in, cuz food is one of my great loves, and during my breaks I've been doing some yummy "American Test Kitchen" cooking. It's great diversion, and wonderful therapy after hours of intense detail work with my pencil & eraser!

The good thing about all this drawing time is that I've been forced to keep on track - pretty much eating and sleeping my work, and I've found that all this consistency is making me faster and my work looser. I only have a very few more sketches to go, and then the book dummy will be ready to go.

Oh.... here's Pickles - he popped off the paper onto my computer screen! We're getting to be very close.

After the kill.

MY  FIRST PICKLES CHARACTER - drawn many years ago.