Sunday, August 21, 2011


My big canvas had a brief home on the wall next to Laney's crib — but more work was left to do — the writing of the verse. Once I had my hands on it I zeroed in on details that I either wanted to change or add to the canvas. Although my daughter, Laney's mom, was getting impatient to have her picture back, she decided it was worth the wait... and we ended up agreeing, after I delicately painted the entire verse of Say, say my playmate in place, that it didn't do the painting justice — distracting and way too busy. So we settled on the main line along the top, and added a personal verse that she says to Laney every day: me and you, you and me — that makes us a we. Love it! All that's left to do is fill in a few of the apples with glue and red glitter. A touch of pizazz to make the painting pop for Laney-loo's wall.

Then it was off to the printer's, where a life size scan was done so that it can be sold in a variety of sizes as a Giclee. What a fantastic job they did!! A small proof was printed out on canvas from that scan and it looks identical to the original!! It's so exciting to find a partner whose work you can rely on! On the drive home I stopped at Aaron Bros. and bought another canvas. Stay tuned .... I'm on a "wall art" roll!


Sharon Pincus Fischer said...

Is there anyone whose day is not brightened by this? Keep those creativy juices flowing Susan. I love, love, love your work!!

Caro said...

Susie, I continue to be in awe over your work and talent! You are one of the best ever!


Thank you so much! You brightened my day!